Monday, May 31, 2010

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. Poetry, like all other arts, is the best response to the call of the soul. In this poetry collection "Under the sky Serbia" ("Pod nebom Srbije) this response is in three voices. It speaks two languages \u200b\u200b- Italian and Serbian. But this does not lose anything, whether it gets, it expands, it crosses many borders, just as the pure soul and poetry has never known boundaries, of any kind.

Riunite "Under the sky Serbia " are also in this collection of poems and
really, three poetic souls, with different fates. Catla Galvan,
Italian by birth, he accidentally discovered the sites of Serbia, he was enchanted,
hopes to return there and sings them in his poems. Rada Ristic-Rajic, brought by
cruelty fate of more than one of their own choice, he left those places
long time ago, but there, in another distant sky, like in
memories, dreams and nostalgia, back in the skies of Serbia . And finally
Todor Skora, a Serb by birth, the heaven of Serbia has never
away, unable to survive as a goodbye, and that is what,
who read his verses.

Perhaps in these three verses of poets are evident significant differences
poetic expression, in the metric, in the way of making poetry, but this matters little
. What links them, and that has also united in this book, is
the affinity of their souls and the common love for Serbia, for its sky, its sacredness
, its people and the way it knows how to love, like or
equal to that in which they also know how to love.
Carla Galvan is at home between Vlachs and Gypsies in front of the monasteries
Kosovo. To Rada Rajic Ristivc those places are really his house, which
abandoned long ago and that over there, far away, taking splendor and beauty in
full of nostalgia and memories there, far away, teach them how to
we love and how to pray. Todor Skora, a faithful witness and immediate
Serbs, in his poetry crosses borders, but also those of the nation
those of time and space and the cosmic, and arrives in the womb
Soul, in places of the soul, where, indeed, meet all three
poets with their sensitivity

Certainly it is important where you are born , it is important to such places six
attracted to places where you wish to return. In these respects the sites are those of
Serbia, looked on with a common denominator, three poets who
love so similar, they suffer in a similar way, and you want to impress, perhaps then becomes
of indifferent skies under which they may be, from such places
write, write because of the sky ' soul and love. In this sense
these verses take on a universal and all
in time and space ..

But the scent of basil and incense, to the amazement, that
silenced before the sacred relics of Kosovo, before ecstasy for
meeting with the turbulent blood Vlach, which awakens a love without reservation,
this collection is, as said its title, "Under the sky

Marinella Laratro



I would

that we're reading

in the eyes

scent of roses

but now you're talking

of absence,

of age,

of fraud.

Tell me

where you hid my future?


I wanted

I read it


the scent of roses,

but now you talk



and deceptions.


Wed dove hai il futuro nascosto?


I want

that you

in my eyes

reads the scent of roses,

but now you're talking

of absence

of years


Tell me

where you've hidden the future from me?

Carla Galvan


Thursday, May 27, 2010

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I found myself in the mirror

of His eyes


in his hands


in his soul desperate

and fiery.

I found myself

on the banks of the Ganges,

no more eyes

nor hands,

but a long embrace

Institute with the universe,

beyond the worlds,

coure in the sun.


Maine khuda ko paeya; Uski aankhon mein
narrow hathon mein;
Narrow Joshie Aatma mein ..

Maine Khud ko paeya;
Naadam ki ganga mein lehron;
to aankhon mein;
the hathon mein;
narrow bahoon magar mein;
puri darth will SATH;
suraj ke dil mein ..

Carla Galvan


adaptation songs in Hindi has done AMANJEET KAUR from India (pictured with Carla Galvan and the work of Raji-Ristic, at a reception at City Hall Vicenza)


Monday, May 17, 2010

Conversion Between Dohni & Interviewer

Do not panic, Ubuntu is coming

not panic, life forms bipedal carbon-based, the next release of Ubuntu will bring with it hidden in secret code, the answer to the fundamental question about life , the universe and everything. And to get this amazing result you want in person by Mark Shuttleworth, but made possible through the efforts of all those participating in the new issue had to bring forward the date of publication of 'Meerkat Maverick "at 10:10:10. A tribute to Mark and all of the Ubuntu team, wanted to do the radio show, then book and later movie all geeks should have seen at least once in order to define such that the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy http://it / wiki / Guida_galattica_per_gli_ autostoppisti_ 28romanzo% 29% ), which in fact it turns out, thanks to the mega computer Deep Thought, the answer to this question is 42 ( La_risposta_alla_domanda_ fondamentale_sulla_vita, _l% 27universo_e_tutto_quanto ). 10:10:10
fact is not only a beautiful round on round, but if we understand it as a binary number, we will discover (perhaps with the aid of a computer less powerful than Deep Thought), which corresponds to the decimal number 42.
It has therefore proved to be surprised when you sense that this will happen because all the plans and orders are out in the bulletin of the blog by Mark, and perhaps even if there was time left suffciente to present complaints, now is too late to start complaining. With these prerequisites
We can only think that the new release of Ubuntu will be a success, especially when they will be printed in large friendly letters on the cover the words "Do not Panic." So we can only wish a good job to all those who have to reschedule their work ( https: / / / MaverickReleaseSchedule ) to allow this early exit and let him find a towel to prevent us unprepared.

Source ( https: / / / archives / ubuntu-marketing / 2010-May/003987.html )

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

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Cariati promotes tourism

The City has issued a contract expiring May 14 to sponsor events and initiatives

cariati The town of Decatur in support of tourism promotion. An initiative which summoned all a bit to realize prpgetti art and more.
a summer promotion of the traditions, culture and identity of the territory. This is how Cariati, in the province of Cosenza, in Calabria Ionian town halfway between Sybaris and Croton, known as the 'City of the tarantella'.
From the third edition the 'Herakles Award 2010' to be held in June and again in the ninth 'Euromed meeting', for the events of next summer, the City Council is calling upon the entrepreneurs to be assisted in promoting the area. Synergy that the administration plans to consolidate to improve the offerings of the city.
can be advanced a proposal for an official and exclusive sponsorship for a packet of summer events or to sponsor, partner, individual events, such as the Historical Regatta '33esima goiters 'or III' National festival Swing on the guitar '. The deadlines for submitting applications expires May 14.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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Council for Environment of the Municipality of Rossano

The Committee Bucita, Rossano Trekking Club, the Rotary Club Red "Bisantium," the CE.SDIC, all members of the Council for the Environment of the Municipality of Rossano, in order to clarify its position regarding the
related issues with the proposed conversion of the power plant Rossano by Enel wanted to issue the following statement: "Since setting up the Council for the Environment, on the status of the dispute conversion of Enel, the four associations have expressed their views by stating that it was better to resign the central to seek new opportunities for development and redevelopment of the entire region (from Sybaris in Decatur), conversely, if the prospect had not proved feasible, were in full harmony with the position of the municipal administration that absolutely refused to use Coal more or less clean. For reference, the association CE.SDIC, more drastically, even this did not suggest an alternative. " The four associations have sought to duly inform the public about the role they have within the consultation call for a still further increase the sensitivity of the people for the choices that will determine the future economic and social the territory.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Different Type Of Brahmi

No conversion of Enel's coal-red: the words of President Oliverio

The administrator of the Province of Cosenza argues that this project does not comply with the Calabria
centrale enel di rossano''The President of the Province Cosenza, Mario Oliverio, and 'contrary to all assumptions of Enel's coal conversion of Ross.'' I make a statement for the press office of The Interim. This conversion and
''', in fact - it says - is irreconcilable with the potential' development of a territory which is a strong point for a perspective of sustainable growth of Calabria. Area in which the food industry for quality ', the tourism and the manufacturing base can not be denigrated. The protection of agriculture and environmental tourism, It is difficult to combine with the factors of pollution that would result from the presence of a coal plant.''
After pointing out that already 'in 2004, the Regional Council of Calabria (Chiaravalloti president) was excluded from the Regional Plan for the energy use of coal in the region and the same orientation, and' been stressed 'during these times years, the president Oliverio contrariety manifested net 'to a transaction that does not respect the territorial vocations and, in fact, seeks to declassify an entire area to area valuable to polluted area.
''It 's too easy - add Oliverio - filling his mouth with words such as environmental protection, the quality' of life and health of citizens, if, we first provide them with an environment, kicking off operations which are in sharp contrast to the vocation and the orientation of the people and the mayors of the municipalities concerned.''
''For this reason, in full harmony with the mayors, administrators, social forces, environmentalists, local tourism operators, the consortium of hoteliers and the vast majority of interested citizens, concluded the President of the Province of Cosenza-us oppose with all our might and with all our energy to any attempt to convert Enel Rossano. Territories such as Sibaritide-ends-deserve our commitment and that of those who want to commit and work towards achieving sustainable development, respecting nature, territories and those who live and live on them.''
posted by: Angela Mendicino

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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Fidapa Conference organized by the section of Rossano. HOSPITAL INSPECTION

"The path of morality:" The ethics of respect for the rules of rights and duties "." This is the national theme that will be developed during a conference organized by Fidapa section Rossano scheduled Thursday, May 6, 2010 from 9:30 at the Aula Magna Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "E. Majorana ".
provided the greetings of the president of the local association, Perna Antonia Ferrari and Paola Bisonni, Headmaster Industrial Technical Institute. Coordinated by Professor Lucia Miraglia, representative of the Legal Commission of Fidapa red, the event will host distinguished speakers: prof. Giampiero Calabro, Dean of the School of Law Degree dell'Unical; Dr. Paul Remer, Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Court of Rossano, the lawyer Trent Serafino, President of the Bar of the Court of lawyer Ross Eufemia Ippolito, Vice President of the National Fidapa that will conclude the conference. At the event, also, the Association is holding a contest in which students can participate in this with an essay on the themes discussed at the conference. Participants should bring those jobs with his thoughts before May 26, 2010 in a sealed envelope to Dr. Paola Bisonni, Headmaster Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "E. Majorana "di Rossano. The winner will receive a scholarship during the final night of the "Maggio Musicale Rossanese on 6 June 2010 at the Palace of Culture of San Bernardino Rossano. Participation in the Conference count as school credit. "This conference - said the president Antonia Perna Ferrari illustrating the event - deals with the intervention of eminent and knowledgeable guests, the theme developed by the national compliance with the rules. A course which, starting from the principles of ethics, morality comes with support to identify what should be the behavior and actions of individuals in compliance. Ethics and morality are, first, the natural man and the second project, the project application tool that allows the community to exist and prosper through a perfect balance between rights and duties, respect for rules and the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and equality. "