Sunday, January 30, 2011

Triple Beam Balance Practice Handouts

Tumblr?: Seriously! Advertising

It was not enough facebook, youtube and blogger. Are also due to come into the world of tumblr!
Let's see what comes out:)

Here link:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What To Do If Goldfish Get Stone Stuck In Mouth

-Pt2 -

Since I still can not write a decent post for this blog, at least it used as a platform to launch advertising.

And after Blog Sophie, I propose " Drinking fire " album download music free of borderline rock band emerging from Torre Annunziata, produced by the subconscious sound. Good Listening!

PS For those Neapolitan hinterland, the album "Drinking fire will be officially presented to the February 25 Doria 83

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pub Golden Tee London


Just to tell my very rare and occasional visitors to take a look at this interesting blog:

End advertisement.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Diesel Outboard Engine

by March 20 a new figure: What is the Ombudsman Civil

Mediation in Civil and Commercial Mediation is the professional activity carried out by an impartial third party and aimed to assist two or more subjects in the search for an amicable agreement for the settlement of a dispute, both in the formulation of a proposal for the resolution of the dispute.

The Ombudsman The Ombudsman is the person or persons who, individually or collectively, play the mediation is denied, however, the power to make binding decisions or judgments for the recipients of the service. The mediator is a professional with the requirements of impartiality '. The organization where the broker lends his work is supervised by the Ministry of Justice.
The register of bodies for mediation
Mediation can take place at public or private, which are entered in the register kept by the Ministry of Justice and which provide the mediation service within the law, the Regulation Ministerial and internal regulations of which have approved by the Ministry of Justice.
Professional bodies
The professional bodies can provide mediation in matters within their competence, with the approval of the Ministry of Justice
orders may be lawyers by mediation in every subject.
Advice from the Bar Association may establish agencies in each court using its own staff and using their premises made available by the presiding judge.
bodies of professional associations and chambers of commerce shall be registered by the Ministry of Justice a simple question.
Consob and the Bank of Italy
the financial and banking, the mediation process can also be brought before the Chambers of conciliation or arbitration of Consob banking and finance made by the Bank of Italy.

mediation Mediation can be:
- optional, and that is chosen by the parties
- demand, when the judge, the parties have already addressed, calls in the same mediation groped
- Mandatory when to proceed in the courts, the parties must have unsuccessfully tried mediation
Binding mediation
From 20 March 2011, the mediation will be mandatory in cases of a dispute concerning: condo, property rights, division, inheritance, family agreements, lease, loan, rental companies, damages resulting from the movement of vehicles and boats, from medical liability and defamation by the press or other means of advertising, contracts of insurance, banking and financial services.
urgent court order

Even in cases of mandatory mediation is always possible to ask the judge with measures that, according to law, are urgent and pressing.

mediation process

Mediation is introduced with a simple question to the body, containing the name of the organization invested, the parties, the subject of the claim and the reasons therefor.
The parties are free to choose the body.
In the case of more applications, the mediation will take place before the agency was presented and communicated to the other party the first question.
In case of failure of mediation, in the subsequent trial the judge will make sure that your body was not unreasonable, for example due to lack of any connection between the seat body and the facts of the case or the residence or place of counterpart.

during the mediation process
During the trial the parties, even at the invitation of the court, they can always bring the mediation.
Duration of mediation

The mediation process has in any case a maximum of four months.
Outcome of mediation

The agreement reached with the help of the mediator is approved by the court and be enforced.
In the absence of agreement the mediator may make a motion for a resolution of the dispute that the parties remain free to accept or not.

Ombudsman's proposal

The mediator must make a proposal if the parties unanimously requested to do so.
In other cases the Ombudsman may make a proposal, the organism if the regulation so provides.
If the proposal is not accepted and the process is initiated in the courts, if the sentence corresponds to the proposal, the cost of the process will be borne by the party who has unjustifiably refused conciliatory solution.


No statement or information given by the parties in the mediation process can be used in the process
No statement or information given by a party to the Ombudsman can only be revealed to the counterparty, and any violation will be sanctioned
All information is confidential in any case useless and in any subsequent trial.
costs of mediation

The compensation payable to the Ombudsman shall be established by the Decree of the Minister of Justice for the mediation of public bodies.
mediation private entities may freely establish the amounts, but the rates must be approved by the Minister of Justice.
Mediation is free for persons receiving legal aid in the process, in which case the body is not due any compensation.

The parties who shall pay compensation to persons appointed to conduct the mediation process is recognized by the organism in case of successful mediation, a tax credit of up to 500 €.
In case of failure of mediation, the tax credit is reduced by half.
The verbal agreement is exempt from registration up to the value of 50,000 €.