Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Palm County Social Security Dept

explanations of wage during periods of wage

Central Management Services in Support of Income

General Coordination legal

the central and peripheral

the directors of agencies

the general coordinator, and central
Rome, 16/06 / 2009

peripheral branches of the professional

General Coordinator Coroner and medical directors

Circular 82

and, for information,

At the Extraordinary

the President and Members of the Board of Trustees and Supervisory

the President and members of the Board of Mayors

Magistrate of the Court of Accounts Officer to supervise the

Chairmen of Committees

administrators of funds, management and funds

the President of the Central Commission

for the assessment and collection

contributions unified agricultural

the Presidents of the Regional Committees

the Presidents of the Provincial Committees

SUBJECT: Clarification on compensation
disease during periods of wage

1. Extraordinary layoff and sickness

2. Ordinary layoff and sickness

With this circular is intended to provide a summary of the criteria arising from the law and the guidelines in the case law govern the competition between sickness and wage subsidies. The argument
circulars issued by the Institute in the past - the No 50943 of 08/02/1973 (C), No 134362 AUG-84, 22.4.1980, No 134368 AUG-14 01/28/1981 - seem outdated in some places has been consistently held.

1) layoff Extraordinary and sickness

Regarding wage extraordinary confirmed the already stated in paragraph C of the circ. 50943 of 8.2.1973, recently incorporated in the message No 28449, 23.12.2008.

Article. 3 of Act No. 464/1972 provides that the CIGS 'replace in case of sickness daily allowance paid by the management bodies of health insurance. " This provision applies to employees, workers or employees, suspended from work.

If during the suspension from work (layoffs at 0 hours) onset of disease status, the employee will continue to benefit from the extraordinary wage: the work is in fact totally suspended and there is no obligation to provide services by the employee , then that should not even communicate the status of disease and continue to receive wage subsidies.

If the state of disease is before the beginning of the suspension of work for CIGS you will have two cases:
- if the entire staff of the office, department, team or similar which the worker belongs has ceased operations, the employee also will sick in CIGS from the date of commencement thereof;
- if, however, is not suspended from work the entire staff of the office , department, team or similar which the worker belongs to the employee on sick leave will continue to be eligible for this disease, if required by applicable law.

Also remember that workplace accidents and occupational diseases to qualify for compensation from the relevant insurers and therefore falls outside the concept of disease in this discussion.

2) Ordinary layoff and sickness

As for the temporary layoffs, the Circular No. AUG-84, 134,362 22/04/1980 134,368 and AUG-14 of 28.1.1981, states that in case of illness coinciding with a period of regular unemployment benefits, both to employees that the suspended part-time workers it is only the sick pay . This criterion was based on. 3 of D.Lgs.Lgt. No 788/45 that "integration is not due to manual workers part-time for the holidays and unpaid absences that does not pay."

However, as clarified by the Court in several judgments and agreed (see Cass. Nn. 917/1984, 4937/1984, 91/1986, 5219/1987), "the indisputable differences between ordinary and extraordinary layoff does not rule out that when the production activity has already been totally suspended the action of the layoffs, both ordinary and extraordinary, and the worker benefits of their treatment, the disease can not determine that suspension of the relationship (art. 2110 cod. civ.) where the sickness is related, while in the opposite case, namely in that of illness at the time of intervention of layoffs (if naturally also be required for the sick worker), the replacement of integration to wage daily allowance contractually integrated is fully justified by the principle that under Article. 2110 cod. Civ., the sick worker can not compete any more than is acknowledged to current employees' (see Sent. April 23, 1982, n. 2522).

Despite the art. 3 of Law August 8, 1972, No 464 (which, as mentioned above, provides for the treatment of wage replace the daily allowance of disease) refers explicitly only to the extraordinary layoff, the law of the Supreme Court noted that "when the ordinary operation of the case is on suspension of production activities (not to the mere contraction of the same activity), there is a full identity ratio, which allows you to extend this latter case the rule set for layoffs and that is extraordinary that the treatment of wage replace the daily allowance of disease, and possible integration contractual provision "(Cass. civ. sect. lav. No 5219, 13.6.1987).

therefore is applicable even in case of sickness during a period of ordinary wage supplementation, the same criteria described in paragraph 1 of this circular, which are summarized below.

If during the suspension from work (layoffs at 0 hours) onset of disease status, the employee will continue to benefit from the wage ordinary: the work is in fact totally suspended, there is no obligation to provide services by the employee, then that should not even communicate the status of disease and continue to receive wage subsidies.

If the state of disease is before the start of the suspension of work for temporary layoffs there will be two cases:
- if the entire staff of the office, department, team or similar which the worker belongs has ceased operations, the employee also will sick in temporary layoffs from the date of commencement thereof;
- if, however, is not suspended from work the whole the staff of the office, department, team or similar which the worker belongs to the employee on sick leave will continue to be eligible for this disease, if required by applicable law.

The Director General


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