Thursday, September 2, 2010

Log Dong Silver Movie

Rome, August 17, 2010
Direction Statement

SUBJECT: Legal advice - Tax Replacement - Wages paid to employees for night work and overtime-Article 2 paragraph 1, lett. c) No DL 93, 2008.
The Confederation, in the person of Mr. GUY, requested clarification on the taxation benefits provided for in Article 2, paragraph 1, of DL 93/2008 (ratified by Law No 126/2008) to light of the clarifications provided by the joint circular Agency Revenue and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy No. 59 / E 22 October 2008.
In relation to the work organized according to a timetable on rounds, in the case of night work, the applicant wishes to know, first, whether the benefit of the special tax relief applies to the entire compensation paid (composed of the wage Ordinary plus bonus) or just the increase and, furthermore, if the facility is applicable only where the organization of shift work is adopted first by the company, or even if the ' company adopts a new pattern of shifts which increases the number of employees than its predecessor organization.
An applicant also asks whether they can also take advantage of subsidy payments relating to overtime, to the extent that they are caused by the "productivity gains, innovation and organizational efficiency, and other items related to competitiveness and profitability ' economic performance of the company. " Finally, asked by what methods companies should deal with performance not fully reducing taxes for working at night in previous tax years.
SOLUTION interpretation put forward

An applicant expects to apply the scheme not only facilitated the allowances or bonuses paid for night work performance, but also the ordinary compensation paid for the same performance: the principle is clear from a literal interpretation of the circular 59/2008, as the term "amounts paid for night work ordinary" is the same as for overtime, for which the circular explicitly clarifies that the term is meant to refer to the total sums paid in that capacity ( including salary and bonus).
Assuming that the shift is within the timetable of night work, the entire compensation paid to use them, therefore, facilitated the scheme. Assuming
shift during daylight hours, however, it would be easier just compensation, or an extra turn, and not the ordinary fee.
The same special tax regime would apply, in the opinion of the moment, even to self-shift workers who pay their normal daily work during the night, and those who occasionally perform services that fall within the definition of night work.
An applicant also considers applicable fiscal discipline even more favorable for payments relating to overtime due to "increases productivity, innovation and organizational efficiency and other elements related to the economic competitiveness and profitability of the company, given the rationale of the decision establishing the preferential taxation in question.

In relation to the question posed the following opinion is provided, according to the views expressed in this regard by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
Article 2 of Decree Law No 93, 2008, converted by Law No 126 of 2008, introduced for the second half of 2008, a substitute tax of 10 per cent for sums paid to employees in the private sector, both in relation to overtime than to increases in productivity, innovation and organizational efficiency and other elements related to the economic competitiveness and profitability of the company.
The scheme was extended preferential taxation for the years 2009 (Article 5 of Decree-Law 29 November 2008, n. 185, converted with amendments into law January 28, 2009, n. 2) and 2010 (Article 2, paragraphs 156 and 157 of the Law of 23 December 2009, No 191) in respect of items of remuneration rewards (productivity bonuses).
With Circular No 49 / E 11 July 2008 and No 59 / E 22 October 2008, issued by the Agency Revenue and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, have been provided clarification of the scope of application of the provisions will facilitate.
In particular, the guidance provided by Circular No. 59 / E 22 October 2008, paragraph 6, within the tax system also facilitated the shift allowances or bonuses or salary increases, however, usually paid for work performed under a time in shifts, given the fact that 'the organization of shift work in itself constitute a form of organizational efficiency. " The measures facilitate
applies not only where the organization of shift work is adopted for the first but by the time when this place a new and broader pattern that shifts as required by the rule of law, result in "increased productivity, innovation and organizational efficiency, and other items related to competitiveness and profitability 'economic performance of the company ", since the circular No. 49 has already made clear that the elements of productivity and efficiency are not necessarily new or innovative than ever before.
As stated in the circular mentioned, even the sum paid to regular night work, because of the hours actually worked, provided the performance of night work should give rise or are otherwise associated with increased productivity, competitiveness and other items connected with the performance of an enterprise, within the scope of this legislation.
In this case, are the subject of a special tax regime not only the allowances or bonuses paid for night work performance, but also the ordinary compensation paid for the same job performance. The callback
circular, in fact, in identifying the scope of subsidy, refers to payments for the provision of night work, taking up the same phrase used for the sums paid in respect of performance overtime for which it is specified that are subject to the alternative ".. overall amount provided under this heading (ie the entire hour of overtime, including regular pay and bonus). The absence of any indication to the contrary, however, confirms that solution given that the same circular, in other situations, however, has explicitly stated that the tax system easier it relates only to salary increases (eg, wages paid for work done in articulated on the basis of a time-shift).
Consequently, the shift worker can take advantage of the special tax regime with respect to the compensation or bonuses shift if the shift falls during the daytime, as stated in the Circular. Conversely, the same worker will enjoy the special tax regime in respect of the entire compensation paid (ie more than ordinary compensation increase) if night work, as defined by collective bargaining.
The same special tax regime (ie, referring both to the ordinary compensation that the increase) has to be applied to logical and systematic consistency, even to those workers who are not shift workers who provide their normal daily work during the night and those who occasionally they are performances that make up the concept of night work, as defined by collective bargaining.
Finally, the scheme measure under review must be considered also applicable with respect to payments relating to overtime, provided that they are caused by productivity gains, innovation and organizational efficiency and other elements related to the economic competitiveness and profitability company, pursuant to art. 2, paragraph 1, lett. c) of Legislative Decree 93, 2008.
The facility applies, of course, subject to the conditions and limits set by law and, therefore, for a maximum of € 3000 for 2008 and 6000 € for the years 2009 and 2010 in favor holders with an income of employees in the previous year that did not exceed a certain amount (not exceeding € 30,000 gross for 2007, € 35,000 gross in 2008, € 35,000 gross for 2009).
With reference to salaries for the past years subject to ordinary taxation, rather than substitute tax of 10%, employees will be able to rely on the more favorable tax in the tax return by submitting a supplementary return for past years or using of the request for reimbursement pursuant to Article 38 of Presidential Decree No. 602 of 1973. To this end, the employer will certify the amount of the sums paid under increase in labor productivity which have not applied the tax substitution. ***

The Regional Directorates will ensure that the principles set forth in this resolution to be applied with uniformity.


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