Sunday, March 4, 2007

Skinny Or Big Prom Dress

"Agreement between Confeserfidi and Cooperative Credit Bank of the County of Modica

A new line of credit for Conferserfidi. The consortium Guarantee Trust, first in Sicily for the number of members and loan, has enabled the agreement with the Bank of Credit Cooperative County Modica.Nella Confeserfidi this morning when the presence of the President of Modica Michele D'Urso, President of Antonello V. Luciani, General Manager Salvatore Garrone, President of Confeserfidi Mililli Bartolo, have laid the groundwork for a young synergy of financial aid 'entrepreneurship. The rates charged by this institute for the following lines of credit of 1.75% for credit lines in current accounts, mortgages for three months Euribor +1.50%. The lines of credit granted to each partner enterprise can not exceed the amounts of € 258,000. "The agreement is not a purely neutral because it detects the attention of young banks in going for growth and development-Confeserfidi said President of Confeserfidi Mililli-Bartolo. Suffice it to say that the Bank of the County, operating at just 100 days, the instrument was equipped with the Convention Confeserfidi to make it even easier access to bank credit to enterprises, thanks to guarantees of up to 80%, with obtaining conditions more favorable than those offered by the market, advising and assisting businesses procedure in the granting of credit and their financial choices. "Our first convention is a relationship that helps to consolidate our credit institution approached the first Confidi Sicilian-admitted "


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