Friday, March 20, 2009

How To Write New Year Wishes

INPS Circular No. 41 of 03.16.2009 extending the right to leave in art. 42 paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no.

National Institute of Social Security

Circular No. 41 of 16-3-2009.htm
extension of the right to leave referred to 'art. 42, paragraph 5, Legislative Decree no. 151/2001 to the child living with the person in a situation of severe disability.

Central Management Services in Support of Income

Central Management Information Systems and Technology

Extension of entitlement to leave referred to 'art. 42, paragraph 5, Legislative Decree no. 151/2001 to the child living with the person in a situation of severe disability.

The Constitutional Court ruled as unconstitutional art. 42, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree 151/2001 in so far does not provide for the child living with the person in a situation of severe disability, the entitlement to the leave specified in the absence of other appropriate persons to care.

The Constitutional Court, in sentence no 19 of 26 January 2009, declared the constitutional illegitimacy of article. 42, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree 26 March 2001, No 151 (Consolidated Act of laws on the protection and support of motherhood and fatherhood) in so far does not include, in the persons entitled to benefit from the leave provided for therein, the son lived with, in the absence of other entities capable of taking care of people experiencing severe disability.

According to the operative part of the sentence, therefore, the dismissal in question may be available to the unmarried child of the severely handicapped, if there is no other appropriate persons to care.

For the purpose of compensation linked to the use of leave in question, we provide the following guidelines.


the light of the sentence in question, are entitled to benefit from the leave in question the employees according to the following order of priority:

a) the person is severely disabled spouse if living with the same;

b) parents, whether natural or adoptive and foster parents of severely handicapped in the event that any one of the following conditions:

· the son is not married or no longer living with their spouse;
the spouse of the child does not pay employment or be self-employed;
the spouse of the child has expressly waived
enjoy the same subject and in the same periods of leave examination;

c) brothers or sisters - alternately - living with the subject with severe handicaps, if any of the following two conditions:

1)-severely handicapped brother is not married or no longer living with the spouse or, where both married and living with spouse, one of the following situations: the spouse
does not pay employment or be self-employed;
the spouse has expressly waived its right to enjoy the same subject and in the same periods of leave in question;

2) both parents are deceased or totally disabled;

c) unmarried child with the person in a situation of severe disability, if any of the following four conditions:

1) the carrier parent of severe disability is not married or no longer living with the spouse or, where both married and living with spouse, one of the following situations:
the spouse does not pay employment or is self-
the spouse has expressly waived its right to enjoy for the same subject and in the same periods of leave in question;

2) both parents have died of a disability or totally disabled;

3) the carrier parent has a severe disability or other children not living with any of them, or when they have other children at home, one of the following situations:
· This child (other than requesting the leave) do not pay employment or are self-employed;
· The children at home (other than the applicant leave) have specifically declined to leave to enjoy the present for that parent in the same period;

4) the carrier has no brothers or disabilitàgrave no longer living with either of them, or, where it has a brother living together, one of the following situations: • The
unmarried brother does not pay employment or be self-employed;
• The unmarried brother has expressly waived its right to enjoy the same subject and in the same periods of leave in question.


are being updated on "online forms" demand patterns that take account of the innovations of the Constitutional Court No 19/2009.


The offices will review the requests it received in respect of unspent reports, which it means those legal situations for which no action res judicata or prescription of law. The compensation shall be extinguished within one year (art. 2963 CC) from the day following the end of the period benefit is payable in respect of leave.

The Director General



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