Regional law December 24, 2009, No 34.
special provisions to the employees in a position of economic hardship. Special guarantee fund. "
(BU December 28, 2009, suppl. At No. 51)
The Regional Council has approved.
promulgates the following law:
Article 1. (Purpose and object)
1. To cope with the social consequences of the crisis that invests in Piedmont enterprise system and support workers who do not receive remuneration for some time, it established a special guarantee fund in support of workers in conditions of economic hardship. "
2. The fund aims to encourage employees without charge on the grant by the member banks to part payment of accrued salary and that workers have not received against companies in default of payment of wages.
3. Banks are given the guarantee the repayment of the loans granted through the intervention of regional special guarantee fund.
Article 2. (Access to the anticipation and beneficiaries)
1. The banks, the worker's request, grant loans, after an evaluation of creditworthiness of the applicant, to the extent and the means employed by a subsequent regulation, and for a maximum of € 2.500,00.
2. Will have access to credit employees with conditions of economic hardship resident or domiciled in Piedmont, having acquired the right to get the normal salary when approval of this law firm have gained a total credit of not less than three months' salary, with priority given to workers who do not receive salaries of at least three months.
3. The device referred to in paragraph 2 shall apply to employees who, during the period, did not have access to any kind of shock.
4. Crisis situations for which you can access to the benefits of this law should be reported to local companies or units located in the same region of Piedmont.
Article 3. (Regional Regulation)
1. The Regional Council, with subsequent regulation, identifies criteria and procedures under which the beneficiaries have access to bank lending in the face of regional security.
Article 4. (Financial Provisions)
1. For the purposes of this Act shall be established in UPB DB16042, which has the required availability, the provision in question with an initial amount of EUR 3,000,000.00 for the year 2009.
2. Upon termination of the fund, the remaining stock will be allocated to new guarantees.
1. The present law is declared urgent in accordance with Article 47 of the Statute and shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Region.
This regional law will be published in the Official Bulletin of the Region.
E 'is mandatory for all to observe and enforce it as law of the Piedmont Region.
Date in Turin, this day of 24 December 2009
Vice President
Paul Peveraro
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