entrepreneur Rossano Figoli Thomas is the new president Assoproli Cosenza. The installation of the new board of directors took place in the provincial headquarters in the presence of the Director of Coldiretti Salvatore Loffreda.
"Assoproli Cosenza - said Loffreda - must implement policies that relate to the promotion of the oil industry. And 'in fact, two years as part of the project under EC regulation 867/08, which are active intervention aimed at improving quality, promotion and enhancement of our oil. " Along the same lines declare the president of Cosenza Assoproli Figoli, for which we must "erudite customers with all available means emphasizing low price, often found on supermarket shelves as a reminder hide poor quality oil. For us who work our olives - Figoli continues - and we use traditional methods producing pure oil, production costs are around € 3.50 per liter, while the consumer is just as bargain prices in supermarkets these days for a famous national brand priced at € 1.99. The commitment of Assoproli Cosenza will be to maximize the product oil, with the participation in trade fairs and organizing tastings. "Among other things, the new management team has reinforced the website for also include online tracking of the oil, the source, the area of \u200b\u200bproduction, processing methods and other useful information. Right now, the Unaprol, the consortium in Italian olive AssoPrOli which adheres, has recognized the brand of oil Cosenza high quality, even for this year, quantitatively was not the best. The new directors will join the president of the association is composed of the Vice-President William Convery and councilors John Acri, Francesco Alimena, Mario Brogna, Pasquale Caruso, Thomas Ferrari, Pietro Giovazzini, Vincenzo Married and David Viola. For the supervisory board were elected, Corrado Olivieri, Alessandro Guzzo and Giuseppe Marano.
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