For some 'of years now comic strips are having some success, especially on the Internet depopulated. Have been so many sites offering only material of this type.
One of the most famous is, but I do not stop to talk about in what has already been done by SophieK. in his post that you find here .
Let me tell you instead of "Hark! To Vagrant" of Kate Beaton , The site collects the strips of this Canadian girl graduated in History and Anthropology. Not by chance that most of its cartoon characters and focuses on facts about history or literature, this presentation will clarify the cover of ideas

So do not be surprised if you find yourself browsing the site in front of Poe and Verne imepgnati in an ambiguous correspondence:
or Marie and Pierre Curie attracted by radioactivity:

also often reinterprets the titles of some books and pictures, here are some examples:

not disdain to treat even the scientific world, and you will see the much-denigrated Tesla, Marconi thief, poor Newton, Kepler cornificato. Charlie Darwin ...

The thing that struck me most of the cartoons The expressions can give to his characters. These classic images that make you laugh even on their own, estranged from the context:

Finally, I recently found out that was also released his book that collects all the material, the title speaks volumes: Never Learn anything form history

So Hark! A Vagrant was a very pleasant surprise. Enjoy it:)
Ah! I was forgetting the gay San Francisco!
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