Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Letters from death row inmates of the Italian Resistance

July 12, 1944

dear Diana,

life that ended for me was to start early.
But will it last in the memory.
I love you, Diana.
your partner leaves.
He leaves having loved freedom, justice.
He leaves having loved you so, so.
But you have to live. You have to live because this is my last wish.
You live and my memory must be an incentive in life.
you do not need to escape.
you'll still be around, I know and feel it. Near to you and all your loved ones.
Muoio standing.
Learn then and remember me this way.
I love you so much.

Vasario Paul, aged 33 - medical - Luserna born in San Giovanni (Torino) January 4, 1911. E 'among the first organizers of partisan groups in the province of Turin. Participated in numerous armed action. On July 12, 1944 is captured by the Germans, tried the same on July 12 and shot 22 on the same day at the airfield Airasca

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The septet of Incisa Scapaccino

Antonio Cacciabue said "the septet of Tunen terms" emblematic character, born in Incisa Belbo (Incisa Scapaccino today) on 8 August 1850 and died there June 29, 1929, was a point during his life important reference for the entire population Belbo Valley, but also for the surrounding area. He was a farmer, a man of the people that reserved part of the day to receive the needy who sought his "empirical medicine". The night was dedicated to prayer. He, in fact, retreated into the thicket behind the house and there, in contemplation, praying our Lord (saying that God was the engine of everything, explained it with other words in dialect, but the meaning was that), and praying to the Virgin Virgo Potens of which he was particularly devoted, and other saints like Saint Anthony, San Biagio, etc.. From his intense Christian faith Tunen received "special energy", which originated from the very uncommon faculty that enabled him to help and often heal people. For valleys and hills it is said that even as a child was to carry miracles of this kind, undertaken for a long time, that is, until his death which occurred in seventy-nine. For sure we know that it was not a healer who "imbued" with sneaky tricks only people capable of developing simple reason because at the time, in our countryside was still widespread illiteracy. Although
been nearly eighty years after his death, the people have not forgotten him, in fact, everyone of those lands has continued to go from Tunen, no longer his home, or working in his fields where he received them, but in the chapel at the cemetery in Borgo Villa Incisa Scapaccino. Here in front of his tombstone, always adorned with flowers and votive candles, people kneels and speaks to their problems, sometimes they write some letters and then slips into the cracks of marble stone, after these confidences, each retrace his steps toward home, back with a light heart because we know that Tunen help give it. It is strange that there is a certainty every time you stop in front of his tomb, at the moment comes to mind with the insistence that "it should be 'ca'," a sweet lullaby that seems to come from far away and follow us, follow us because now is within us ... Tunen regular expression with which, during his lifetime, his leave of applicants, 'go' ca '"meant" I'll go quiet now. "But when he knew he could not do anything for the victim, apologized and warned that his "strength" was not enough. The septet
Incisa represented for this land Monferrato, remote corner of the world, a cultural phenomenon, not just sometimes inexplicable for a careful anthropologist. It was certainly a symbol, an example of good Christian in the name of God, the Virgin most powerful and some saints, he dispensed all his life to help his neighbor, he did so with humility, in exchange for nothing, but when persistently left him a donation, he went to deposit it in the outstretched hand of a beggar, or mail in the mailbox for alms on the portal of the church in Borgo Virgo Potens Empire. Antonio said
Cacciabue Tunen, a farmer who wore heavy clothing in summer and light in winter, walking barefoot in the ditches trampling on thistles and nettles, which put pebbles in his shoes so that his life was characterized by suffering in imitation of Christ, he found solace in prayer and the sacraments because its path was traced from the essence of substantive Theological Virtues, which indicated the daily goal. Target identified in a life beyond life that already savoring every night when in ecstasy in the bush behind the house, talking with God

From = 12

Monday, February 28, 2011

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'Animals have a soul?' - Service (recorded Astigiano) of episodes of 'Mystery' Italy first aired on February 22, 2011

In the episode of 'Mystery' (the transmission of Italy One led by Raz Degan) of 22 February 2011, in service on the soul of animals, and Matthew Daniel Gullà Mascagni, aided by sensory Enrica Brugo, study and analyze the phenomena linked to the apparitions of phantom animals, these phenomena lead back the fact that animals have souls.
is an experiment in "Animal Garden", a pet cemetery located in Castell, near Asti.

same service is also mentioned in Incisa Scapaccino septet lived between the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, which had the power to heal people and animals.

Here is an excerpt taken from YouTube service.

To see the complete service, click on the link below: unanima.html (official site Mediaset)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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promoted 11 and 89 out of 100 rejected buildings (including residential ones built in the last 10 years) in 15 different Italian municipalities. These are the results of the survey conducted by Legambiente, the association with this fact, thermography has wanted to show how important it is in terms of energy savings to live in well-designed buildings, and at the same time identify and denounce all those buildings which are still built without proper attention to energy efficiency, plus this aspect can not be justified in any way as the charge for the application of technologies for savings is around 5-10% of the cost of construction in Italy is about 1000 euro per square meter.

promoted the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano , Lombardy and Piedmont, where the regulations comprehensively address all aspects of performance and energy certification of buildings, obligations, controls and sanctions, and where, consequently, you can find good examples of a new way to design and build. Promoted but subject to: Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and Puglia, where the blocks are still missing to complete the regulatory framework. Mouth for a few loopholes: Lazio, Umbria and Valle d'Aosta, with regional laws that provide information on efficiency is still too general energy. Mouthfuls for incompleteness and inadequacy of the legislation: Toscana, Veneto, Marche, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Sardinia, Sicily, Abruzzo. These are whole areas of the country where there are no obligations with regional laws on energy efficiency of buildings, and the use of renewable energy certification. So do not go beyond a generic promotion of sustainability in construction.

"With termofoto - said Edward Zanchini, Energy Environment League - we want to make clear how important houses have well-designed and built . Photos of the dossier presented today show its effectiveness with the difference between a house of "Class A ", ie with a quality standard that certifies energy very low energy requirements for heating, and those built by hand without any attention to these issues. The first result in a better quality of life for the inhabitants due to good insulation in the walls, and level of comfort, can significantly reduce the cost for heating in winter and do without air conditioners in summer, reducing to one-third the cost to the heating and cooling, ie allowing a saving of between 200 and 500 Euro per year per family. "

Since the dossier " All Class A " - made by Legambiente in collaboration with Fluke - then a clear call on the Government to have the courage to make more stringent targets for energy efficiency in buildings. Today there is no economic or technical reasons that can prevent all new buildings are designed and constructed to Class A certification of energy, and that they can harness the energy of solar thermal or photovoltaic panels, geothermal heat pumps or other renewable energy installations in order to arrive at essentially zero energy consumption. For Legambiente should be established immediately, for new buildings and for renovation of buildings over a certain size, a minimum standard required of Class A throughout the country. Then, we need to introduce compulsory contributions minimum and increasing for renewable energy in buildings with respect to thermal and electrical needs.

Besides being a dossier "Everyone in the class" is also a public awareness campaign to promote and raise awareness of Legambiente energy efficiency in construction.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brent Corrigan Similar

comes from Idaho National Laboratory a new form of renewable energy: solar cells that collect energy from the electronic heat the night by doubling the capacity of solar cells during the day.

"The key to these new devices is the ability to collect thanks to an infrared (IR) - Steven Novack says, one of the pioneers of the technology that works at the U.S. Department of Energy, the Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls -. Almost half of the available energy in the solar spectrum lies in the infrared band, and the IR is re-emitted from the Earth after the sun goes down, meaning that antennas can also capture energy during the night. "

This phenomenon, as a sort of ping pong, keeps the band in the infrared on the ground, once freed from the ground, rises to the atmosphere, but the clouds will repel one hand, re-sending it to the ground.

The Novack system is based on some microantenne from 700 nanometers (a nanometer is every millionth of a meter), tuned on the wavelength of infrared and gathering 84%. A revolution that will hopefully soon become a widespread reality.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kaya Skin Clinic Charges

UFO sightings, aliens and crop circles occurred Astigiano - Archival

- March 23 1950, at approximately 12:30. High-altitude UFO sighting in Asti. Feedback from Turin shortly after.
- July 1950, at approximately 22:00. UFO spotted in high-altitude Piovà Housewife.
- January 10 1957, shortly after 24. UFO spotted in high-altitude Corsione.
- September 17 1960, at 21:15 in Asti. Several people noticed a light coming fast from Alexandria. The UFO descends, turns, serving as a flat white. Then again at great speed '.
- April 24, 1964, at 20:40 . UFO spotted in high-altitude Moncalvo. Also seen in Turin.
- July 1967, at 22:30 . UFO spotted in high-altitude Buttigliera d'Asti.
- September 24, 1967, at 21:15 . UFO spotted in high-altitude Piea.
- November 3, 1967, at 18:20. UFO spotted in high-altitude Capriglio.
- October 17, 1973, at 14:30 . Low altitude UFO sighting in Piano (Asti).
- November 14, 1973, at 18:05. High-altitude UFO sighting in Asti.
- December 29, 1973, at 19:00. A Moncucco Torinese sighted flottillas UFO mother ship with .
- July 19, 1974, at 22:50. UFO spotted in high-altitude Monale .
- January 25, 1978, at 16:55. High-altitude UFO sighting in Asti.
- Early June 1979 , UFO Sightings every night at high altitude to win.
- May 30, 1986, at 01:00. UFO spotted in high-altitude Mombercelli. Also seen in Acqui Terme.
- July 1, 1986, at 04:30. Alien sighting in Montechiaro d'Asti.
- July 30, 1990, at 23:00. A Ferrere (in the village of Gherbi) UFO sighted at low altitude which would have left traces in the ground.
- February 1996, at approximately 23:15. UFO sighted at low altitude, perhaps in Villanova d'Asti.
- May 6 1997, white object about Asti.
- July 24 1998, 05:00 Astigiano. A UFO parked on a house. They take pictures, but that 'they can not.

Testimony of a sighting which should always be done in 1998, taken from this site :

"Hi, we (my husband and I) read the sighting and n.002 so we decided to write to you, because we too have had a similar experience, what's more we were together and we have discussed many times, wondering what on earth we have seen.
unfortunately do not remember the exact date, for sure was the beginning of the mission in Bosnia ( should therefore be in the year 1998 - my parentheses) , why we have designed a training aircraft that were moving. It was around 22.30 to 23 and did 4 steps to the gate that is at the beginning of the road leading to our house. We are in the province of Asti and live on a hill in an isolated house, with a good view and often watch the sky on clear nights. To attract our attention was the form of that formation, with lights far apart so as to cover a large portion of the sky that moved to the North-East, gave the impression of a huge thing that moved no faster (could be impression due to the remote?) and the feeling that you "eat" the stars. Only after talking to us, we realized the strangest thing was the absolute lack of noise. We tested the hypothesis of a formation of planes, but they should have been, and then to travel so far W hy? Does anyone know give us an answer? "

- August / September 2000 , far sighted before an earthquake in the provinces of Asti and Alessandria. To learn more see that I created in on my blog

- September 1, 2001 , 22:30 . UFO seen at high altitude in the province of Asti.
- 5 / 6 November 2003 , at 18:30. UFO Sightings at low altitude between Castelnuovo Calcea and Nizza Monferrato. According to the National UFO Center is the doubt that maybe it would have been a meteor phenomenon.
- November 21, 2004, at 22:00. UFO Sightings at high altitude in the province of Asti.
- April 6, 2005, at 00:25. UFO Sightings at high altitude in Asti.

- September 10 2005, alleged UFO sighted and photographed in Canelli. Here's the photo, also published in the newspaper Focus:

From the website of 'Focus': / default.aspx? p = 3

- 9 / 10 June 2006 , crop circle appeared in Isola d'Asti.
detail in the following link

- June 29, 2008, a huge crop circle appeared in Villanova d'Asti. Discussion section of my blog that I created about

- May 16 2009, at 21:00. Detection posthumous UFO on video or photographic material fact s in Vigliano d'Asti.
- August 26, 2009, at 22-22:30. UFO Sightings at high altitude in Asti, in the area with electromagnetic effects on electronic items.
- October-November 2009 Obre , UFO sighting in Villanova d'Asti. (Testimonials are in net)

- 28 August 2010 , UFO sighted in Asti. Carry an article taken from the following blog:

UFO on Asti
2 September 2010

One does not have time to write a post titled "Fire from Heaven" a fireball appears in the skies of Asti, to the dismay of the witnesses.
It happened last Saturday, and the debate remains open.
You will be treated to an unusual atmospheric phenomenon, a reflection of some festival paesena on low clouds, or our friends Zeta Reticuli came to do a load of Barbera?
certainly is not the first time that an unidentified flying object was sighted in the skies from Asti, and the last two years have brought such a number of witnesses to suggest a true eproprio flap, as they call it what it means. Needless to say
Province and the Region have already taken the right levers to remedy all'incresciosa affair, relying on the experts ...

Other reference sites (Table UFO sightings in Italy from 1900 to 2008, the National UFO Center) in size PDF. (Sightings, 2009, the National UFO Center) (National UFO Center - Piedmont) (UFO in California)

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Ankhpakhered, between Asti and a mystery ' Egypt

A mummy, his coffin, a young Egyptologist. The mystery of Ankhpakhered has all the requirements to thrill visitors to the Museum of Archaeology and Palaeontology of Asti, where the mummy home since 1903 when he was given citizenship by Count Leonetto Ottolenghi. But with the Ankhpakhered mummy project, Sabina Malgora (curator of the Egyptian section of the Castle of Buonconsiglio) led to the finding around Europe for congresses, meetings and exhibitions on the ancient Egypt.
Asti it was discussed last Friday, the Centro San Secondo. Malgora described the sarcophagus, the "time capsule" dated between 945 and 715 BC. The sarcophagus, according to the hieroglyphics side contained the remains of a priest, Ankhpakhered, who lived at the XXII and XXIII dynasty and dedicated to the worship of the god Min The mummy was inside of it, however, is wrapped in a bandage too simple, with no registration and no nominal kit amulets appropriate for a member of the priestly caste, starting from the heart scarab, all of which, in addition to the many post-mortem fractures and bone found in scattered locations, suggests that the mummy found in the sarcophagus is not really that of Ankhpakhered.
Thus, exit from the pages of history, the mummy Asti, have already started to write my own little story. E ' underwent computed tomography at the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Milan, to date it and dividing it into 2950 axial images that have made possible the 3D reconstruction revealing the medical history. Even before it was brought to Aramengo, Nicola in the Laboratory for a restoration. The Mummy
Asti could for example have been crafted by some of the nineteenth century antiques to fill the sarcophagus increasing their market value, but for now jealously guards its mystery.
Maybe you can dissolve other tests, with a particular type of endoscopy, which will analyze the remains without dissolving the band. Maybe. If you find the funds necessary to finance the operation.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Difference Between Pipe And Rolling Tabacco

The case: crop circle appeared in Villanova d'Asti in 2008

It 'Sunday, June 29, 2008 when a pilot of ultralight (Alex D.) e-mail to the drafting of SpaceFreedom The aerial shots of a beautiful crop, probably the most beautiful Italian pictogram year and perhaps forever. Photographed in Piedmont in the province of Asti, near Villanova d'Asti, inevitably reminds us of the near Poirino the case where the previous year showed itself another splendid crop. (I also remember that in June 2010 in the same Poirino appeared in the larger circle ever seen in Italy, which flowed to the interpretation of the much-discussed November 24, 2010).

the following link all the information on the case.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"[...] all its dimensions than we can roughly estimated by looking at the pictures, the circle is included in an area between 4 Tramlines. Generally between one and the other in Italian camps, there are 22, 24 meters, this tells us that the diameter of the training is around 70 meters and covers an area over 38,000 square meters.
A thin ring is the border in this remarkable pictograph, spaced at regular intervals, for twelve circles, enrolled in twelve rings, these are "marked" by as many rhomboids and ideally that radiate from a large central circle of 20 m diameter.
The overall image that we are offered is an extreme delicacy and lightness, but with an incredible force in striking the imagination as well as that of a Sun, which, for a few days, those fields will radiate to finish drying the grain in the ear that, over time, helped to grow and mature. A final strong yet melancholy embrace of the sun on a grain and shadow dictated by the body of this strange bird that is flying over. Calls for a few days time, we will scan for moments of joy in admiration as a sundial on a field at Villanova d'Asti "

The following other items that came about.
Sightings circle crop at Villanova d'Asti

An alien sun. A circle, twelve rays and twelve small balls. It 's the crop circle movie aled70, a YouTube user who claims to have photographed during a flight on board a plane at Villanova d'Asti.
Crop circles (in English crop circles) are areas of cereal crops or crops like, in which plants appear compressed in a uniform manner, thus forming various geometric shapes (sometimes referred to as "pictograms") visible from above.
a result of the increasing number of appearances of these figures (especially in England) since the late seventies of the twentieth century, the phenomenon of crop circles has become a subject of investigation among the most controversial. His strong emotional impact, also due to the discovery year after year new and complex graphical structures, it is certainly beyond the analysis of scholars and never ceases to arouse the interest of thousands of people around the world.

Villanova d'Asti: spotted during a flight on a circle wheat. A user during a flight aboard an airplane at Villanova d'Asti, has seen a crop circle on a sun-shaped alien, a circle, twelve rays and twelve small balls. Crop circles (in English crop circles) are areas of cereal crops or crops like, in which plants appear compressed in a uniform manner, thus forming various geometric shapes (sometimes referred to as "pictograms") visible from above.

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UFOs and earthquakes - one case occurred Astigiano

Correlation earthquakes and UFO sightings, a case also happened in 'Asti.

Carry a testimony taken from the following site and also appear on this blog . Sightings

an alien near the 8.4-magnitude earthquake that struck August 21, 2000 the area between Asti and Alessandria, with its epicenter near Nizza Monferrato (AT).

is what this person says.

A reader writes from the province of Alessandria

1) was little changed from the midnight of August 17, 2000, I was studying and I was wide awake, even my son was reading while her daughter and her husband were already asleep for an hour. My two dogs were inside the house, near my feet. At one point the wolf moans and goes to the input port to be open. I am eager to see any wild animals that are often designed to take the food that I leave to the forest nearby, very deft turn all the lights out and then open the door. The wolf rushes furiously towards the fence in front of the door, also follows the fox, but instead of the usual find our friend the fox or badger, the wolf probably see what I was seeing: a being different, so unusual it back with his head down and tail between his legs. Both dogs immediately and move back to keep silent to enter the house, from which they will not leave again until the next morning. Being that I saw was near the wire mesh fence, so that they could measure the height: about 1.50 m. Being macrocephaly, with head and eyes blacks elongated onion-matched to the type of the Greys. Of very thin physique, seemed covered with a greenish suit fitting, however, reveal that left a certain roughness of the skin. Being good and I looked down (what?) As if we were both surprised each other (at least this was my feeling). Being then stepped back and stood still for some time staring at me, while I shouted to my son that if he wanted to see an alien come out right out because that was the moment, there was one in the garden! My son said that he would have been enough to see through the window. I did not think even wake my husband because I did not want to lose sight of the alien. Not at all awed by the vision of being greeted and said aloud that I was sure I could telepathically understand. Told him my friendly attitude, but to be hid behind a large chestnut. I called the dogs but did not come out. Rinnovai the invitation to my son, but nothing. I continued to talk about being and looking around. I told him that as a sign of friendship I would have offered a cake (which had then eaten or not does not matter to me at that moment, the gesture for me to accept the gift has already been significant). I went back and took a tart apples that lay on a high shelf outside the house is not accessible to animals. I ran to get my camera and snapped several times to the chestnut. The photos were blackened unfortunately, even with the night vision device. Probably not I used good shutter speed, taken from the haste and anxiety to capture this experience. Being not ever came that night. I went back and talked to my son, who made some joke as does my husband when I talk about these topics, but in the meantime had strangely gone out to check whether or not the mother had "visions". We went to sleep around three.

the morning as I wake, I saw all yellow, skin and nails, not only, but all I saw was yellow. This phenomenon gradually diminished and, after about two minutes, the vision usually shoot. I ran out to see if there was or was not the cake: it was gone without a crumb, the clean plate was in place. Although this is not any evidence, I could not help but consider that if it had been preyed upon by birds or by good climbers, such as dormice, I would have had to find a few crumbs, as the cake was very wide and full.

Wake up with vision yellow was repeated the next day, even on 19 days ago I saw even green and dark green spots. This phenomenon lasted about a minute. Submitted after eye examination, was not observed any pathology (of course not told anything of the alien).
The following days I noticed the phenomena of anomalous alteration of the magnetic field and microwave emission peaks, but they interpreted events as precursors of seismic activity (a task which required many years I have been following with interest, having resided in the area frequently but weakly seismic) . In fact, on August 21 at 19:15 there was an earthquake of 7 degrees on the Mercalli scale.
Other earthquakes of the 4th and 6th Mercalli can occur in the following days, with simultaneous explosions.

2) is' about one o'clock in the morning of 24, I'm still studying, at one point "feel" that I have to go outside to observe the night sky on the balcony of my house. The dogs, who usually accompany me, although not mentioned by me follow me the rest of the family sleeps. Raising his eyes, I see first in the direction of the zenith of the structures similar to sheets nebulous (colored, rotating), which, as they pass, obscure the vision of the stars. Then everything stops and then suddenly, always at the zenith, a boomerang-shaped object of green light, it stops a few seconds, then disappears or, better still, turn off, but I see no direction of escape.

3) On 3 September, for the duration of the day, I observed the behavior of my bushes, as far as the eye ranged needles, without metal or magnetic objects in the vicinity could justify such behavior . Check the status of my instruments, the detector of electromagnetic waves and microwaves that do not show abnormalities. But from the fluctuations around the geo-magnetic north, compared with those previously recorded in association with earthquakes, I expect that you prepare another microseismic event, or at least, vibrations called "quakes." I look also ferromagnetic oxidation on rocks and traces of "scorch" on some leaves lanceolate, where I had previously recorded peak microwave: it imputes to possible emissions of radon. 0:40 am the morning of 4 / 9 and an insistent howl of my dogs outside in the garden and all those around the township distracts me from my thoughts: reflected changes in the magnetic field, as happened previously. I go out into the garden and then I realize that the dogs are hidden. I feel broken branches in the woods and then I see, under one of the windows of my house, be a little sharp-edged that (because of the darkness, not having turned on the lights outside) I can only call "android" is a biped, up about 1.80 m. As I approached, it "flies" above the forest and disappears. A few seconds later I hear a roar in the direction that has disappeared (roar smooth), very different from those earthquakes, more similar to that caused by object exceeds a certain speed of flight.


For months I'm trying to work all the more strictly a "distinct" from phenomena which, although strange and unusual, they are definitely attributable to natural events (geosismici, other land or why not, even of a metapsychical) and events that are related to events rather character typical of UFO.
often beyond the sightings, the characteristics are similar or common boundary, as changes in the magnetic field, emission of electromagnetic waves, changes in soil physical-chemical, explosions, acoustic wave rock under pressure ... Sometimes they are only concurrent, without the likelihood of a causal relationship between them. For example, the day after my sighting of the 4 / 9, there was a roar with microseismic , the latter recognizable as "seismic". This microseismic, among others, had been provided by me in considerable detail, based on the comparison of comments I made in previous earthquakes (for nine years I am keen observer). These forecasts, then a deductive, to "confirm post". But it may be that the shock wave speed of objects and energy fields unknown authoring create microsites local and superficial, I know that someone has suggested, but you have not yet been demonstrated. The fact that I have not seen any UFOs on the day of the earthquake does not mean that it failed to appear in the vicinity, as well as the fact that the day before (namely the sighting mine) did not receive microsites is not a sign of \u0026lt; \u0026lt;void event imperceptible "tremor seismic>> from hypothetical shock wave. This should be checked with a list of all the earthquakes that occurred in Italy.
The evaluation is complex and requires a large series in order to make a calculation of probability. Some scientists, especially physicists speculate that electromagnetic waves of any origin may affect the actual capacity of the subject's perception of reality avvistante that, therefore, would be in an altered perception. But then you should deduce that animals react to perceptual level, with the same type of symbolic creation of human beings, although there were events effectively similar. If this was demonstrated, it is even more amazing than seeing an alien in the flesh. In the case of my sightings, dogs and cats have always been witness to something that has caused fear in them. You should still assume that the presence of any chemicals that act on the brain or hypothetical changes in the electromagnetic field corresponds (coincidentally) a vision that strangely coincides with the vision of many other witnesses (the "gray" are more similar to all the witnesses). So even this interpretation would create a world of ideas "Platonic" corresponding to these cases.

This is the attitude of those who want to deny certain evidence of fear or injury.

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Report UFO / Aliens / Crop Circles Chamber

In this section you can make your reports of UFO sightings, crop circles or aliens from Asti.

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Here you can put anything about the thing that ghosts, presence, shadows, haunted places, personal experiences, urban legends, and your reports from the province of Asti.

Sympathy Messages In Spanish With Translation

Situation Report

In this space you can report the weather conditions (weather, wind, temperature, discomfort, etc ...) from your site, not only but also from the rest dall'astigiano in Italy and abroad.

Tempurpedic Shoulder Pain

forecast earthquakes

You will be warned or seemed to feel an earthquake? Make your report. Dall'astigiano, Italy and the world.

information will be posted on the shocks.

You can also do updates on the most shock important place in the world and in our country.

Gay Electronic Music Group

Welcome to the first blog the mysteries and the paranormal in the province of Asti!

Hello! I created this blog to discuss everything concerning the paranormal in the province of Asti, ghosts, admissions, UFOs, aliens, crop circles, strange creatures, different kinds of mysteries, urban legends, etc. ...

will always be updated.

I hope I have created a first for our area! Participate in there!

Thanks to everyone from Daniel G.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Triple Beam Balance Practice Handouts

Tumblr?: Seriously! Advertising

It was not enough facebook, youtube and blogger. Are also due to come into the world of tumblr!
Let's see what comes out:)

Here link:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What To Do If Goldfish Get Stone Stuck In Mouth

-Pt2 -

Since I still can not write a decent post for this blog, at least it used as a platform to launch advertising.

And after Blog Sophie, I propose " Drinking fire " album download music free of borderline rock band emerging from Torre Annunziata, produced by the subconscious sound. Good Listening!

PS For those Neapolitan hinterland, the album "Drinking fire will be officially presented to the February 25 Doria 83

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Just to tell my very rare and occasional visitors to take a look at this interesting blog:

End advertisement.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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by March 20 a new figure: What is the Ombudsman Civil

Mediation in Civil and Commercial Mediation is the professional activity carried out by an impartial third party and aimed to assist two or more subjects in the search for an amicable agreement for the settlement of a dispute, both in the formulation of a proposal for the resolution of the dispute.

The Ombudsman The Ombudsman is the person or persons who, individually or collectively, play the mediation is denied, however, the power to make binding decisions or judgments for the recipients of the service. The mediator is a professional with the requirements of impartiality '. The organization where the broker lends his work is supervised by the Ministry of Justice.
The register of bodies for mediation
Mediation can take place at public or private, which are entered in the register kept by the Ministry of Justice and which provide the mediation service within the law, the Regulation Ministerial and internal regulations of which have approved by the Ministry of Justice.
Professional bodies
The professional bodies can provide mediation in matters within their competence, with the approval of the Ministry of Justice
orders may be lawyers by mediation in every subject.
Advice from the Bar Association may establish agencies in each court using its own staff and using their premises made available by the presiding judge.
bodies of professional associations and chambers of commerce shall be registered by the Ministry of Justice a simple question.
Consob and the Bank of Italy
the financial and banking, the mediation process can also be brought before the Chambers of conciliation or arbitration of Consob banking and finance made by the Bank of Italy.

mediation Mediation can be:
- optional, and that is chosen by the parties
- demand, when the judge, the parties have already addressed, calls in the same mediation groped
- Mandatory when to proceed in the courts, the parties must have unsuccessfully tried mediation
Binding mediation
From 20 March 2011, the mediation will be mandatory in cases of a dispute concerning: condo, property rights, division, inheritance, family agreements, lease, loan, rental companies, damages resulting from the movement of vehicles and boats, from medical liability and defamation by the press or other means of advertising, contracts of insurance, banking and financial services.
urgent court order

Even in cases of mandatory mediation is always possible to ask the judge with measures that, according to law, are urgent and pressing.

mediation process

Mediation is introduced with a simple question to the body, containing the name of the organization invested, the parties, the subject of the claim and the reasons therefor.
The parties are free to choose the body.
In the case of more applications, the mediation will take place before the agency was presented and communicated to the other party the first question.
In case of failure of mediation, in the subsequent trial the judge will make sure that your body was not unreasonable, for example due to lack of any connection between the seat body and the facts of the case or the residence or place of counterpart.

during the mediation process
During the trial the parties, even at the invitation of the court, they can always bring the mediation.
Duration of mediation

The mediation process has in any case a maximum of four months.
Outcome of mediation

The agreement reached with the help of the mediator is approved by the court and be enforced.
In the absence of agreement the mediator may make a motion for a resolution of the dispute that the parties remain free to accept or not.

Ombudsman's proposal

The mediator must make a proposal if the parties unanimously requested to do so.
In other cases the Ombudsman may make a proposal, the organism if the regulation so provides.
If the proposal is not accepted and the process is initiated in the courts, if the sentence corresponds to the proposal, the cost of the process will be borne by the party who has unjustifiably refused conciliatory solution.


No statement or information given by the parties in the mediation process can be used in the process
No statement or information given by a party to the Ombudsman can only be revealed to the counterparty, and any violation will be sanctioned
All information is confidential in any case useless and in any subsequent trial.
costs of mediation

The compensation payable to the Ombudsman shall be established by the Decree of the Minister of Justice for the mediation of public bodies.
mediation private entities may freely establish the amounts, but the rates must be approved by the Minister of Justice.
Mediation is free for persons receiving legal aid in the process, in which case the body is not due any compensation.

The parties who shall pay compensation to persons appointed to conduct the mediation process is recognized by the organism in case of successful mediation, a tax credit of up to 500 €.
In case of failure of mediation, the tax credit is reduced by half.
The verbal agreement is exempt from registration up to the value of 50,000 €.