promoted 11 and 89 out of 100 rejected buildings (including residential ones built in the last 10 years) in 15 different Italian municipalities. These are the results of the survey conducted by Legambiente, the association with this fact, thermography has wanted to show how important it is in terms of energy savings to live in well-designed buildings, and at the same time identify and denounce all those buildings which are still built without proper attention to energy efficiency, plus this aspect can not be justified in any way as the charge for the application of technologies for savings is around 5-10% of the cost of construction in Italy is about 1000 euro per square meter.
promoted the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano , Lombardy and Piedmont, where the regulations comprehensively address all aspects of performance and energy certification of buildings, obligations, controls and sanctions, and where, consequently, you can find good examples of a new way to design and build. Promoted but subject to: Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and Puglia, where the blocks are still missing to complete the regulatory framework. Mouth for a few loopholes: Lazio, Umbria and Valle d'Aosta, with regional laws that provide information on efficiency is still too general energy. Mouthfuls for incompleteness and inadequacy of the legislation: Toscana, Veneto, Marche, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Sardinia, Sicily, Abruzzo. These are whole areas of the country where there are no obligations with regional laws on energy efficiency of buildings, and the use of renewable energy certification. So do not go beyond a generic promotion of sustainability in construction.
"With termofoto - said Edward Zanchini, Energy Environment League - we want to make clear how important houses have well-designed and built . Photos of the dossier presented today show its effectiveness with the difference between a house of "Class A ", ie with a quality standard that certifies energy very low energy requirements for heating, and those built by hand without any attention to these issues. The first result in a better quality of life for the inhabitants due to good insulation in the walls, and level of comfort, can significantly reduce the cost for heating in winter and do without air conditioners in summer, reducing to one-third the cost to the heating and cooling, ie allowing a saving of between 200 and 500 Euro per year per family. "
Since the dossier " All Class A " - made by Legambiente in collaboration with Fluke - then a clear call on the Government to have the courage to make more stringent targets for energy efficiency in buildings. Today there is no economic or technical reasons that can prevent all new buildings are designed and constructed to Class A certification of energy, and that they can harness the energy of solar thermal or photovoltaic panels, geothermal heat pumps or other renewable energy installations in order to arrive at essentially zero energy consumption. For Legambiente should be established immediately, for new buildings and for renovation of buildings over a certain size, a minimum standard required of Class A throughout the country. Then, we need to introduce compulsory contributions minimum and increasing for renewable energy in buildings with respect to thermal and electrical needs.
Besides being a dossier "Everyone in the class" is also a public awareness campaign to promote and raise awareness of Legambiente energy efficiency in construction.
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