Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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Fidapa Conference organized by the section of Rossano. HOSPITAL INSPECTION

"The path of morality:" The ethics of respect for the rules of rights and duties "." This is the national theme that will be developed during a conference organized by Fidapa section Rossano scheduled Thursday, May 6, 2010 from 9:30 at the Aula Magna Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "E. Majorana ".
provided the greetings of the president of the local association, Perna Antonia Ferrari and Paola Bisonni, Headmaster Industrial Technical Institute. Coordinated by Professor Lucia Miraglia, representative of the Legal Commission of Fidapa red, the event will host distinguished speakers: prof. Giampiero Calabro, Dean of the School of Law Degree dell'Unical; Dr. Paul Remer, Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Court of Rossano, the lawyer Trent Serafino, President of the Bar of the Court of lawyer Ross Eufemia Ippolito, Vice President of the National Fidapa that will conclude the conference. At the event, also, the Association is holding a contest in which students can participate in this with an essay on the themes discussed at the conference. Participants should bring those jobs with his thoughts before May 26, 2010 in a sealed envelope to Dr. Paola Bisonni, Headmaster Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "E. Majorana "di Rossano. The winner will receive a scholarship during the final night of the "Maggio Musicale Rossanese on 6 June 2010 at the Palace of Culture of San Bernardino Rossano. Participation in the Conference count as school credit. "This conference - said the president Antonia Perna Ferrari illustrating the event - deals with the intervention of eminent and knowledgeable guests, the theme developed by the national compliance with the rules. A course which, starting from the principles of ethics, morality comes with support to identify what should be the behavior and actions of individuals in compliance. Ethics and morality are, first, the natural man and the second project, the project application tool that allows the community to exist and prosper through a perfect balance between rights and duties, respect for rules and the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and equality. "


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